the lentil pasta shown in this image is a processed food that improves food security.


Processing improves food security by increasing the availability, safety and stability of foods across seasons and regions. It also helps to reduce food loss and waste at every stage along the food value chain, from farm to consumer. Check out the resources below for more information.



“Ultra-processed” is not a science-based term. Using this subjective label to describe products as ‘bad’ due to level of processing will unnecessarily vilify certain foods.

Dietary Guidelines Meet NOVA: Developing a Menu for A Healthy Dietary Pattern Using Ultra-Processed Foods – PubMed (

Processed foods: contributions to nutrition – PubMed (

Toward a science-based classification of processed foods to support meaningful research and effective health policies – PubMed (

Critical review of the article “The threat of ultra-processed foods” in Brazil’s Super Interessante magazine

The Ultra-Processed Food Pulse – Ayana Bio

Food Processing – Eufic

Why NOVA Misses the Mark –

Are processed foods bad for me? – FoodDrinkEurope

Evidence that carbohydrate-to-fat ratio and taste, but not energy density or NOVA level of processing, are determinants of food liking and food reward – ScienceDirect

Ultra Processed Foods Position Paper – FoodDrinkEurope

Food Processing Q&A – FoodDrinkEurope

Food Processing –

“The debate is polarised and nuance gets lost” – IFBA chief Rocco Renaldi sets out food giants’ case on UPFs

The 9 Red Flags of Ultra Processed Foods – “Seems Like Diet Culture” Podcast

Is “Processed” a Four-Letter Word? The Role of Processed Foods in Achieving Dietary Guidelines and Nutrient Recommendations – ScienceDirect

Perspective: A Research Roadmap about Ultra-Processed Foods and Human Health for the United States Food System: Proceedings from an Interdisciplinary, Multi-Stakeholder Workshop – PubMed (

Food Processing, According to the Nova Classification System, and Dietary Intake of US Infants and Toddlers – PubMed (

Scientific Critique of Ultra Processed Foods Classifications – FoodDrinkEurope

Ultraprocessed Foods and Obesity Risk: A Critical Review of Reported Mechanisms – PubMed (

Ultra-processed Food Intake and Obesity: What Really Matters for Health-Processing or Nutrient Content? – PubMed (

Processed food classification: Conceptualisation and challenges – ScienceDirect

Ultra-processed foods: how functional is the NOVA system? – PubMed (